

One winter morning, as I was passing through a park in Berlin, I came across a dead tree cut by the strong winds. Afterwards when I saw the pictures I had taken, it appeared as if she was still alive and revealed her face for all to see.

This is a story about worms that look like words, and resonant prayers, but also about doors wide open to shooting, and the fate of a neighborhood. If you wish to leave a message just sing while you may.

Improvisational recordings, song descriptions and images by Basil Theodorou. Compositions made during 1998-2017 (Berlin/Athens).

1. WORMS words like worms; where are you taking us?
2. ARISTER OUS they were marching in this neighbourhood; in this neighbourhood
3. DOOR OPEN step in if you dare; the door is open; mind the shooting
4. TALK TO ME talk to me; your voice goes beyond noise
5. SANA shaking, navigating, oscillating, shivering
6. HEAD it can resonate the waves of prayers
7. MESSAGE if you wish to leave a message, just sing while you may